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A march of Ukrainian mothers to the Children's Day will take place in Zurich

Writer: Sophia ShevchenkoSophia Shevchenko

In the Swiss city of Zurich, the March of Ukrainian Mothers to the Children's Day was announced with a call to save young Ukrainians.

June 1 is International Children's Day.

After World War II, when children's health and well-being were more pressing than ever, a women's congress was held in Paris in 1949, swearing an oath to fight for lasting peace as the only guarantee of children's happiness. During the year, on June 1, the first International Children's Day was held. Since then, this holiday began to be celebrated annually.

Today, in 2022, a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine affected at least 682 children, 242 of whom died. Data from the temporarily occupied territories are missing, as well as data on the exact number of orphans, because this number is growing every day ...

The whole civilized world stands for a peaceful future for every child and demands: #STOPWAR - #SAVEUKRAINE

"Our dear Ukrainians! We sincerely invite you to a joint march to the Children's Day in Zurich on May 31 at 6 pm!Traditionally, in late May, the central streets of Zurich is the Embroidery March.But the war changed everything. And this year people in embroidered shirts will demand peace for their country, for their children on the Mother's March. "Don't kill our future!", "Save our children!", "Stop rape!", "Stop the genocide of Ukrainians!" - such slogans will be heard on May 31 in the center of ZurichWe are a nation of free, brave and worthy people. Wherever we are, we always take the most important values ​​with us. The feeling of home in the hearts! Let's present it to our children by uniting around parental love and Ukrainian roots. Come, moms, dads and kids! Bring flags and embroidered shirts! We are waiting for you! "- stated on the organizers' Facebook page.

Meeting place: Platzspitz, Platzpromenade 5, 8001 Zürich


VIDNOVA Ukrainian Swiss Women Foundation

UVZO Ukrainischer Verein Zentral- & Ostschweiz

With the support of:

Boats of Ukraine in Switzerland

St. Nicolas Verein

Collab with Ukraine Association


YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

All rights are protected. © 2022 ChF YouthFutureUA

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