In the context of the situation in Ukraine, the insurance company AXA offers its support to host families and Ukrainian refugees who are temporarily protected in Belgium.
Doctors Online Psy is available to them free of charge until May 31.

We are now witnessing the largest tragedy since World War II, where people are losing the most important thing - people. Their people. Life and health. Lose housing, family comfort and plans for the future. Today, it is difficult to stay without the support that everyone needs.
Fortunately, Ukrainians have friends around the world who are ready to help, including in Belgium. One of the psychological support services provides free counseling to anyone who needs it.
From Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00, you can consult a psychologist by calling 02 642 45 63.
In addition to French and Dutch, psychologists offer their consultations in English.