Many Ukrainians have psychological problems due to russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine. Not everyone can afford to pay for work with a psychotherapist. Public organizations and charitable foundations come to the rescue.

The platform offers help to everyone in need / Image of Sustainability Hub
On the Hub of Sustainability platform, you can sign up for a free consultation with a qualified psychologist. Help is offered to everyone who needs it.
The platform works around the clock. You can book appointments with specialists there 24/7.

Consultation appointment is available 24/7 / Image from the Sustainability Hub website
How does it work?
Visit the Hub of Sustainability website.
Click the "enroll now" button.
Choose filters – that is, specify specific problems that concern you.
The platform will help you choose a specialist who best meets your request.
The meeting with the psychologist takes place online using the Google Meet service. All services are free.

Special filters will help you choose a specialist just for you / Image from the Sustainability Hub website
The Sustainability Hub was created on March 1, and the new platform launched in August thanks to the joint efforts of the BrainKult Mental Health Center, the creative agency Dudka Agency, and the Society Foundation.
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#youthfutureua #solidaritywithukraine #psychologicalhelp