NGO "Kharkiv Professional Development Foundation" has started recruiting teams for the online project "Strengthening Civic Activism among Youth".

Participants will receive free training, develop their own projects with the support of a mentor and will be able to receive funding for implementation.
By participating in the project, your team:
will gain practical skills in project development;
learn to effectively present the project to donors;
will receive consultations on the establishment of NGOs;
learns how to form a community of people around the organization;
will receive free digital tools to help establish teamwork;
develop your own project together with a mentor from among the leaders of the public sector;
will be able to receive up to $ 1,000 for the project.
To participate, you need to form a team of three people. You must represent a non-governmental organization under the age of two, or a volunteer or initiative group that plans to register an NGO. Applications are accepted from any region of Ukraine.
Apply and support Ukraine with useful projects! Registration at the link: DEADLINE: MAY 23
Questions? Contact us: +38 098 069 16 96 / - Mykhailo Shevtsov
The project "Strengthening Civic Activism among Youth" is implemented by the NGO "Kharkiv Professional Development Foundation" with the sincere support of the National Endowment for Democracy.