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He taught meditation in Bundestag: psychologist Malte Loos conducted trainings in Vinnytsia

Writer: Alina ShemchyshenaAlina Shemchyshena

He trained employees of the Bundestag, founded his own school of psychology in Berlin and studied at the best universities in Europe and the USA. Malte Loos is a famous psychologist who was not afraid of the war and came to Ukraine.

Malte Loos held a series of trainings in Vinnytsia / Photo of training participants and organizers

Malte spent 6 days in Vinnytsia teaching local volunteers and psychotherapists his method. More than 60 people have completed one or even both of his courses lasting 3 days each.

The YouthFutureUA team gafe financial help to organize mental resilience trainings of Malte Loos.

Those interested had the opportunity to attend one of two seminars:

  • "How volunteers can cope with stress".

  • "How to think systematically" for psychotherapists.

Participants / Photo of training participants and organizers

His mission is to help

Malte Loos came to Ukraine specifically to support local volunteers and psychologists. He understands how difficult it is now for those who care about others.

That is why the programs of both trainings included both techniques of helping people and techniques of self-help. Malte repeatedly emphasized that it is important for volunteers and psychologists to protect their own resources.

All participants received certificates / Photos of training participants and organizers

Malte Loos is not only a psychologist, but also a trainer of oriental martial arts. Seminar participants necessarily began and ended each day with meditation and warm-up.

And during working hours, they had the opportunity to try out Malte's original techniques for working with clients.

During the trainings, it was possible to try out various meditation techniques / Photos of the training participants and organizers

The master even showed his own style of working with people. These impromptu psychotherapy sessions became a point of attraction for everyone – people gathered around Malte. He was listened to without breathing.

Malte Loos practical sessions attracted the most attention / Photo of training participants and organizers

The body remembers everything

Malte Loos devotes a lot of attention to working with the body. This is especially true during wartime, when most people are in a state of permanent stress.

"In the body we feel everything: sadness, shock, the pain of loss, the attitude of the family, etc", – says the psychotherapist.

That is why he taught volunteers and psychologists how to work with stress. It is important that you don't try to get rid of tension, you need to feel it, be aware of it and understand what it is for.

The participants tested various techniques on themselves / Photos of the participants and organizers of the training

A considerable number of practices are designed to overcome tension through movement. "Communicate with tension" – taught Malte.

Style of 5 animals

One of the interesting theories that Malte Loos teaches is the 5 "animal" styles. Each person, depending on the situation, can use 5 types of behavior:

  • Sea turtle – attentiveness, comprehensiveness.

  • Chameleon – adaptation, autonomy, "adult" state.

  • Dolphin – the ability to play and learn.

  • Mountain goat – logic, confidence (a person confidently holds his position, like a brave mountain goat on a rock).

  • The phoenix is the ability of a person and his psyche to be reborn (like a mythical phoenix bird from the ashes).

Malte Loos teaches various techniques of working with people / Photo of training participants and organizers

A person can use different styles in different life situations. Where one animal's style doesn't work, another style can work wonderfully.

Malte Loos taught volunteer psychologists techniques of working in different styles. Understanding these styles helps to find an approach to almost every person.

Who is Malte Loos?

He is an outstanding systemic psychotherapist, founder of the "Inner stille" martial arts school in Berlin.

Malte Loos supports Ukraine. This is one of the publications on his website / Photo from Inner stille website

The seminar will be conducted by Malte Loos, a systemic psychotherapist,

Malte Loos taught Eastern martial arts and meditation in the German parliament. His psychotherapeutic approach is solution-oriented systemic therapy for trauma, depression and anxiety.

The psychotherapist's method works closely with the bodily techniques of Buddhist martial arts.

The master shared a considerable number of author's methods / Photos of participants and organizers of the training


Malte Loos studied systemic psychotherapy at the SySt®-Institute in Munich. He also studied at the University of Bonn, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

While studying in the USA, he got into oriental martial arts under the guidance of Grand Master Katsumia Tabata. Malte has 3 black belts, became an assistant to the Master.

Malte Loos teaches the eastern martial art of tai chi / Photo from Inner stille website

After returning to Germany, he founded his school of meditation, psychotherapy and martial arts "Inner Stille", which has been working with individual and group clients for more than 12 years. There were even employees of the Bundestag among Malte's listeners.

See more photos from Maltese Loos trainings / Photos of training participants and organizers

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YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

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