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How to communicate with veterans: rules that will facilitate communication

Today, many defenders are returning from the front to their towns and villages. Many people, having met a veteran, want to show their gratitude, but do not know how. Others get lost and look away, not understanding how to communicate properly.

Media "Osvitoria" offers rules for ethical and ecological communication with veterans. These tips will be useful to every Ukrainian. You will find more rules on the Osvitoria website.

When communicating with veterans, it is important to be friendly / Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Communicate normally and be sociable

Veterans may have stronger reactions to everyday disappointments. In addition, they may feel difficulty in communication. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate with the defenders habitually, everyday and in a friendly manner. Don't take your eyes off if you make eye contact. Better nod or put your hand to your heart.

Avoid sensitive topics

You cannot know the psychological state of the person you are communicating with. Therefore, it is better not to start conversations on topics that provoke strong emotions: politics, war, guilt, justice or injustice, past experiences.

Do not make claims

If you are a family member of a veteran and your loved one is returning home, be prepared that it may be difficult for them at first. A person falls out of the context of family life, does not know the new "rules" that were formed during his absence, and is also used to a different way of life and communication. Do everything you can to allow the veteran to adapt and do not make claims.

In addition, try to avoid feeling guilty or ashamed of the veteran, or, conversely, insulting him or feeling that he is guilty of going to war.

Without pity and tears

Be careful with your emotions. You don't need to show your pity, sadness and tears to people you don't know or don't know. They don't need them.

At the same time, it is not necessary to communicate with riddles and hints when it comes to close people. Your hints may not be clear to the veteran, so be honest and direct about your emotions.

Be reserved but honest about your emotions / Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

Remember a similar experience

Think about when there were big changes in your life and how you felt about them (for example, moving, changing jobs, having a baby, etc.). Probably, you wanted to be gently supported, but not pressured, given time to understand everything, not forced to make decisions, etc.

Do not protect from worries

If your loved one is a veteran, you don't need to fence him off from everyday life, solving some problems, etc. Of course, you want to take care of the person and let him rest. However, veterans often need to reinvent themselves in civilian life. When a person is not allowed to decide and do anything, he can feel excluded from life, unnecessary. Therefore, it is necessary to give a person the opportunity to make decisions, to be included in the life of the family and society, to take responsibility.



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