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Music and charity: the band "Zhenya and Katya" performed at a French festival for Ukrainian army

On August 5, the YouthFutureUA team held the seventh charity concert for Europeans. This time the audience was the residents of the French city of Launce-le-Saugnier.

Unique format

The concert took place within the framework of the festival in France / Photo by YouthFutureUA

Our team holds charity concerts in a hybrid format: they are watched by spectators in a certain location. All concerts are also available online.

The concerts take place in a hybrid format / Photo by YouthFutureUA

During the concert, the audience donated funds to support Ukraine in the war. The host, as well as the Vinnytsia band "Zhenya and Katya", talk about how Ukrainians live during the unjust aggression of Russia.

"Zhenya and Katya" sing everything for the European audience / Photo by YouthFutureUA

The romantic "Zhenya and Katya" is sung almost "in a bomb shelter". This is what we call the basement of the Beer & Blues Art-Pub restaurant in Vinnytsia.

Anyone can join our incredible atmosphere online / Photo by YouthFutureUA

The concert was broadcast on a screen for the participants of the Quartiers D'été festival in the French city of Lons-le-Saugnier.

Spectators of the festival in France / Photo by YouthFutureUA

We talk about Ukraine through personal stories

Personal stories move people and help support Ukraine.

Spectators will donate funds to support Ukrainians / Photo by YouthFutureUA

During the concerts, we collect funds for tactical medicine for field hospitals. Reports on our previous assistance to the army can be viewed at the link.

YouthFutureUA team

Importantly. The YouthFutureUA team uses the funds collected during the concerts to buy tactical medicine, plate carriers, and also supports people who suffered as a result of Russian aggression. You can find out more about the activities of YouthFutureUA at the link.
  • You can also already make your contribution and donate funds on the YouthFutureUA project website. Remember that every hryvnia brings us closer to victory!

The organizers of the concert will soon count the collected funds and hand them over to Ukrainians.

We gathered with volunteers

Before the concert, we traditionally met with volunteers of the YouthFutureUA project.

Attention! If you want to become a volunteer, fill out the form. People not only from Vinnytsia, but also from any cities of Ukraine and the world can become our volunteers.

If you want to become a volunteer, fill out the form / Photo YouthFutureUA

We discussed our mission, values, as well as ideas on how to further support Ukraine, the army, and people who suffered as a result of Russian aggression.

Importantly. All our activities would not be possible without our partners. So we sincerely thank everyone who helps organize and hold events:

We sincerely thank our partners for the opportunity to hold concerts / Photo by YouthFutureUA

Our partners in France are Peuples Solidaires JURA, Association Maison Commune. They helped not only to hold the festival, but also to raise funds for the needs of Ukrainians in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

See more photos from the seventh charity online concert here:

*The development of the YouthFutureUA volunteer community is supported by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting which implements the project "Civil Society for Democratization" with the assistance of the European Union. We started cooperation with this institute in 2022.

Everyone can get Ukraine closer to victory. Help YouthFutureUA fulfill our mission, support the Ukrainian army and Ukrainians in need. Even small amounts are important. You can make it here.



YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

All rights are protected. © 2022 ChF YouthFutureUA

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