Poland can no longer bear all the costs related to the maintenance of Ukrainian refugees. Therefore, the rules of living there will change.
The changes will be in November
Ukrainians will have to pay half the cost of living in specialized centers. This was reported by the Visit Ukraine.
The new rule will come into force already in November. The Polish authorities are forced to introduce payment for accommodation in the centers, as the state is no longer able to cover all costs. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Pavel Shefernaker.

Polish authorities can no longer fully provide for refugees / Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash
Not everyone will pay
The Polish government believes that the payment for accommodation will not become too burdensome for Ukrainians – after all, most of the refugees are already employed.
Sensitive categories of people will be exempted from payment. They included pensioners, persons with disabilities, and mothers with many children.
It is possible that benefits will be introduced for other categories as well – the authorities will inform about this separately.
How many people live in the centers
About 80,000 people live in Polish refugee accommodation centers. The largest of them is located in the city of Nadazhyn – 2 thousand Ukrainians live there.
*Main photo by Robert Paul Jensen on Unsplash
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