"The public movement "Women's Power of Ukraine" invites to psychological support groups for women who are waiting for relatives from the war. This is reported on the NGO page.

Image : Жіноча Сила України
What is the purpose of support groups?
According to the organizers, the groups are created to help you feel your own support and the support of others, introduce you to stabilization and self-help techniques to be able to withstand the pressures of today, organize an opportunity to share experiences between women and help find additional ways to establish communication in the family in the existing conditions .
Organizers: public organization "Public movement "Women's Power of Ukraine"
with the support of the NGO "Institute of Health Psychology".
"We invite servicemen's wives to support groups - where in a safe common space you can support each other, talk about important things without judgment and get psychological self-help tools," the organizers say.
The support groups are held within the framework of the project "Urgent support of the EU for civil society", which is being implemented by ISAR Unity with the financial support of the European Union. Their content is the exclusive responsibility of the NGO "Women's Power" and does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.
There are separate consultations for wives of military personnel and mothers
As part of the project "Service of psychosocial support for families of servicemen", support groups are held for wives of servicemen and separately for mothers of servicemen.
Importantly! These are not therapy groups, but support meetings moderated by psychologists. The purpose of such meetings is to introduce women to each other for mutual support and to provide tools for self-help in various emotional states.
The groups are closed, designed for a series of meetings, each lasting 2 hours.
Held weekly online on the Zoom platform.
You can join by filling out a small form https://forms.gle/77CAwcoXYkufsKjU9
Participation in the series of meetings is provided only for those women who attended the first meeting.
In the future, there is the possibility of self-organization and holding of support meetings by the members of this group in the "peer-to-peer" format or creating open meetings to provide support.
Join us, because together we are stronger.
There is a daily support hotline
If you need advice and support on social issues or psychological support, call the number
0 800 332 720 (all calls are free).
You can apply every day from 10:00 to 20:00.
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