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Writer's pictureSophia Shevchenko

The Canadian province of Manitoba for Ukrainian refugees: why it is the best choice

Because of the war, many Ukrainians were forced to go abroad. Unfortunately, not everyone will return home because of lost homes, relatives and lives that have changed forever. The Youthfutureua team decided to explore the possibilities of the country for Ukrainians, which is home to one of our largest diasporas - Canada.

Today we will tell you about the province that provides the most support for Ukrainians and their families - the province of Manitoba

Canada is a federation consisting of ten provinces and three territories, the country itself is multicultural and multilingual: at the federal level, two official languages ​​are recognized - English and French.

Depending on the province, laws, climate, language, rental prices and additional forms of support for Ukrainians fleeing the war may vary.

Why should newcomers not go to Toronto (Ontario) and Vancouver (British Columbia)?

Very often, Ukrainians choose these cities. However, Canada is just a huge country and each province has its pros and cons for migrants.

Big cities have higher salaries, yes. However, the cost of rent here is much higher. Moreover, recently there is a housing crisis in these cities, and it is almost impossible to find a "host" who will provide you with free temporary shelter.

So, if you do not have a large reserve of funds, it is worth choosing small cities, and it is better to study each province in detail first and choose the best option in terms of income and expenses.

We talked about the pros and cons of Canada for Ukrainian refugees HERE.

An infographic that provides insight into the cost of renting a home / Data for September 2022

Manitoba offers shelter to Ukrainians who leave their homeland because of the war

The first, biggest plus is free accommodation in Winnipeg hotels.

New arrivals usually use this shelter for the first 2 weeks, until they complete all the documents and receive financial support to rent housing. But you can stay in the hotel as long as you need. There is free food three times a day and you can make the necessary documents on the spot.

Winnipeg - the capital of Manitoba / Photo from free sources.

How to get to the hotel?

Upon arrival at the airport, you will see a counter with volunteers, they will help you find your way around and call a taxi. Before flying to Winnipeg, new arrivals are advised to fill out a questionnaire.

The questionnaire for arrivals at the Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport is here.

A reception center for refugees from Ukraine operates in Winnipeg. The center provides the following services:

  • Reception services to determine individual and family needs;

  • Temporary accommodation and meals for people not related to Manitobans;

  • Access to coordinated health services through the Regional Health Service and the Manitoba Ministry of Health; and

  • Registration, orientation and referral services through Manitoba Start to raise awareness of housing support so people can learn about language services, receive employment assistance and meet their longer-term housing needs.

When you come to the province for CUAET, you have the opportunity to participate in the Temporary Assistance Program. This is a separate grant from the province, it does not depend on what the government gives. It pays out money to Ukrainians who have arrived in Canada and need financial support.

This is a one-time payment for adults and children. Payment is made by direct deposit; therefore, the potential applicant must have an account with a Canadian financial institution. Learn more.

Is it true that in Manitoba in winter it is -40°?

In summer, the temperature ranges from 11°С to 27°С, and in winter from -19°С to -10°С. Although winter here lasts an average of 6 months a year, thanks to the dry climate, the conditions are quite comfortable for living. Not Africa, of course, but for the sake of the Northern Lights, you can love winter, right?

Northern Lights in Manitoba / Photo from free sources.

To integrate more easily, contact Ukrainian communities for help:

In Manitoba, it is easier and faster to get a permanent residence permit

To obtain permanent residence in this province, you need to apply for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). Now this service is free for Ukrainians.

All information about Manitoba's support for Ukrainians can be found on the official website.

Follow the #YouthFutureUA page on social networks to always be up to date with news for those affected by the war. Soon we are planning more publications with the tags #Canada and relevant topics related to this country. In particular, #work #choice_province #hosting and much more, subscribe to YouthFutureUA on: Facebook, Telegram, Instagram.

Ukraine and all Ukrainians are very grateful for the support provided by the government of Canada and its citizens in solidarity. We are very lucky to have such faithful friends around the world and it is really important for us to know that we are not alone in the fight against evil. Thank you so much for your open hearts!

Everyone can get Ukraine closer to victory. Help YouthFutureUA fulfill our mission, support the Ukrainian army and Ukrainians in need. Even small amounts are important. You can make it here.


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