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They give money and material assistance: a list of charitable foundations that support Ukrainians

Many Ukrainians have heard that it is possible to receive help from international organizations and charitable foundations. We offer a selection of organizations to which you can apply for financial support.

Be sure to check the information

Unfortunately, there are many people who take advantage of gullible citizens. Therefore, we strongly advise:
  • check information on the official websites of organizations,

  • in no case do not follow links sent by unknown persons in Facebook, Viber and Telegram chats,

  • do not provide suspicious sites with information about your bank card data, as well as passport data.

List of charitable organizations and foundations

Ukrainians affected by the war can apply for financial aid / Unsplash photo


Families belonging to one of two categories can participate in the program:

  • Have three or more children under the age of 18,

  • Have at least one child with a disability under the age of 18.

UNICEF pays 2,220 hryvnias per person per month, they help immediately in 3 months. Registration and details.

2. EDopomoga

Help can be received by:

  • Internally displaced persons who are in the Unified Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons;

  • persons who live / are in temporarily occupied, de-occupied territories or those who are in the zone of active hostilities of Ukraine.

Registration and details at the link. You can check the status of the application here.

3. The 1k Project

Opportunity to receive up to $1,000 for families. Preference is given to large families. Registration and details.

4. Gate to Ukraine

A platform that allows Americans to donate to Ukrainian families with many children. Registration and details.

5. "Unity for the Future"

The program supports various target groups in some regions of Ukraine. Registration and a list of regions by link.

6. NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council)

Registration for assistance takes place through the WhatsApp messenger at the number +48 729 086 505.

7. Charitable Foundation "Happy Child"

The fund helps families with children affected by the war, as well as seriously ill children of the Zaporizhzhia region. Registration and details.

Different funds help different categories of citizens / Unsplash photo

8. Charitable Foundation "SOS Children's Towns Ukraine"

The fund provides monetary assistance to foster families, family-type children's homes and families of guardians in which three or more children under the age of 18 are raised. Register via the link.

9. "Ukrainian sisters"

The fund provides targeted charitable assistance to persons affected by the war. However, application processing may take up to 3 months. Registration and details.

10. Monetary compensation for drug costs

It is necessary to specify the type of drug, its approximate cost in dollars and other details. Register via the link.

Humanitarian funds

Humanitarian funds do not provide assistance with money, but with food, medicine, clothing, necessary things, baby food, diapers, etc.

There are separate foundations that help children / Unsplash photo

List of humanitarian funds:

Importantly! Carefully study the rules for applying for assistance – each fund has its own requirements. Before filling out the questionnaire or writing in personal messages, read about the categories of citizens who are helped by a specific fund.

Everyone can get Ukraine closer to victory. Help YouthFutureUA fulfill our mission, support the Ukrainian army and Ukrainians in need. Even small amounts are important. You can make it here.



YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

All rights are protected. © 2022 ChF YouthFutureUA

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