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Ukrainians are offered free language courses in Poland: where and how to sign up

Free Polish language classes are offered in the Lublin Voivodeship. 1,800 refugees from Ukraine will be able to receive this service. informs about recruitment for language courses.

The project called "Lublin helps Ukraine" was created for adult refugees. When enrolling in language courses, preference will be given to people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

150 groups will be made

The project will last until the end of August 2023. Within its limits, 150 educational groups will be created. There will be 12 people in each.

"Classes – depending on needs and preferences – will be held stationary and remotely", – they tell on the project page.

All groups will be accompanied by experienced teachers.

Free courses will be offered to 1,800 Ukrainians / Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Participants will receive certificates

The language courses will be aimed at making the participants better able to communicate in Polish in everyday situations: in shops, medical and administrative institutions, assistance centers, educational institutions, etc.

Knowledge of the Polish language will help you get a job and even open a business. At the end of the courses, all participants will receive certificates.

Knowing the language will help you get a job / Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

How to get to the courses

The application for admission must be submitted online via the website.

If it is not possible to submit an application online, it can also be submitted in person or sent by post to one of the offices of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin or to its headquarters.


  • Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin, str. Artura Grottgera 4, 20-029 Lublin;

  • information point of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin, str. Franciszka Stefczyka 3, 20-151 Lublin;

  • information point of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin, str. Marie Skłodowkiej-Curie 3, 20-029 Lublin;

  • information point of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin, Czechowska Street 19, 20-072 Lublin;

  • branch of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Biała Podlaska, str. Warszawska 14, 21-500 Biała Podlaska;

  • branch of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Chelm, str. Adama Mickiewicza 37, 22-100 Chełm;

  • branch of the Office of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship in Zamość, str. Partyzantów 94, 22-400 Zamość.

Pay attention! If you apply, it does not mean that you will automatically be accepted into the courses. Preference will be given to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, persons older than 40 and parents with many children.

*Main photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

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YouthFutureUA was launched by the NGO "Development Center Pangeya Ultima" (Vinnytsia, Ukraine). From July till October 2022 we are supported by the project "Civil society for Democratization", which is implemented by the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultation with the assistance of the European Union.

Separate opinions expressed in materials or voiced at events implemented by YouthFutureUA are the personal position of the authors/speakers.

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