The war does not pass, it is difficult to find a person who would not be affected. Where to look for support? How to learn to live in a new reality without losing hope? The material contains the main sources of free psychological support to war victims. Everyone can choose a convenient format of communication - privacy above all.

The National Psychological Association offers free assistance to Ukrainians experiencing panic, anxiety or chronic stress as a result of hostilities in Ukraine. To do this, you must first fill out a questionnaire and wait for the specialists to process the data and contact you.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has launched an information campaign "Psychological care from Svetlana Roiz." It is aimed at families with children who are in a war zone, have been forced to leave their homes, fleeing danger, or are waiting for relatives from the front. The materials are posted on the MES website.
The Counseling Center of the Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy of UCU "Poradnya" offers free crisis psychological online help to victims. To do this, just write or call in a telegram:
+ 380965807688, @ poradnya1
+ 380500732903, @ poradnya2
+ 380965814896, @ poradnya3
+ 380934347701, @ poradnya4
+ 380958744062, @ poradnya5
Psychiatrist and psychotherapist, PhD in Psychology Spartacus Saturday has developed a manual with advice on providing psychological assistance in wartime. The recommendations help to give advice to emotions during the experience of such states as apathy, hallucinations, stupor, nervous tremors, hysteria and others. You can download it by following the link.
Telegram chat "How are you now?";
Telegram chat "Psychological assistance to Ukrainians during the war";
Chat-bot of qualified help from Ukrainian psychologists "psy.for.peace".
Psychological help in a telegram chat from specialists
The group was created for free psychological assistance to Ukrainians who experienced the horrors of the war in Ukraine in 2022. Assistance is provided by practicing psychotherapists
Psychologists who are ready to help the victims:
Lviv City Center for Social Services provides round-the-clock psychological support to Ukrainians. To do this, call the number: 0800307305. Calls are free, regardless of the mobile operator.
The Ukrainian community of psychotherapists also provides free counseling to victims. Contact by phone: +380 93 547 37 73, +380 97 112 45 91 (Telegram, WhatsApp).
Specialists who are ready to help by phone or Facebook
- Chief Researcher of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine Pavlo Hornostay -
- Psychotherapist Maria Bodilova -
- Psychologist Eugenia Pushkanskaya— + 972-50-3062267 (Viber / WhatsApp)
- Psychologist Ivanna Matrosova - + 38-066-838-4640
- Psychologist Eugenia Pushkanskaya— + 972-50-3062267 (Viber / WhatsApp)
- Psychologist Victoria Kiryukhina - + 38-096-440-3001
- Psychologist Inna Gordienko - + 38-093-849-3384.