Two shelters in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions opened their doors to those who suffered from domestic violence, discrimination, and Russian military aggression. Internally displaced persons will also find temporary housing here.
About 50 people will be able to receive support and protection in shelters at the same time.
This became possible thanks to the cooperation of "Eleos-Ukraine" with the Network of PLHIV "100% Life" as part of the implementation of the project "Mobilization of society to overcome stigma, discrimination and counter violence against people living with HIV and representatives of CG". - reported on the Eleos-Ukraine page.

Opening of St. Olga's Shelter in Ivano-Frankivsk region /
Photo: Eleos-Ukraine
Who are Eleos-Ukraine?
The Eleos-Ukraine Mission is a huge community of caring people whose purpose is social service: helping others, creating decent living conditions for every person, promoting their spiritual development, obtaining education, work, quality medical care, food, housing and everything necessary.
The organization monitors the observance of human rights and provides comprehensive support to those who need it. Due to the full-scale Russian invasion, the organization expanded its mission to help all victims.
Currently, perhaps the most famous project of "Eleos Ukraine" is the shelters of St. Olga. Today there are more than a dozen of them in Ukraine
The first shelter was opened a year ago in the city of Bucha, Kyiv region. Recently, similar shelters were opened in Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.

Shelter for those in need / Photo: Eleos-Ukraine
St. Olga's Shelter is ready to take under its wing women and mothers with children who have suffered from domestic violence or from hostilities on the part of the Russian Federation.
Our shelters are primarily a safe and comfortable place where people who have survived violence or suffered from military aggression can regain their strength. Social workers and a psychologist will work with people in shelters.
What help can you get in shelters?
In addition to free accommodation and social support, residents of the shelter, if necessary, can receive legal assistance, as well as food packages.
Special attention will be paid to key communities, because in times of severe social upheaval, people need treatment programs in addition to protection and support.
Serhii Dmitriev is the head of the organization and chaplain.
How to apply for help?
Contacts: +380992269013 (Viber, Telegramm) or e-mail
In shelters, you can realize yourself by learning new crafts and earn money
Recently, St. Olga's Shelter received a grant from the Urgent Action Fund (UAF) to equip a sewing and embroidery workshop "Free thread".
This is a good opportunity for Shelter residents to feel part of society and realize themselves in it. And their example will give support to other, similar women who want to start their lives without violence.

Workplace / Photo: St. Olga's shelter
The center continues to work on orders and expand production. And a few days ago, a modular workshop was brought to the Shelter territory and installed in the backyard of the shelter.
The process has been started and communications and electricity are already being installed, sewing and embroidery machines are being installed.
By creating the "Free Thread" Social Enterprise, we want not only to produce a quality product, at the same time, we want to give women who have suffered from violence the opportunity to participate in the creation of valuable and useful things for other people, - says Nataliia Dresviannikova, director of the St. Olga's Shelter. - In addition, women can learn new crafts and receive a real, well-deserved financial reward for their contribution.
In shelters, they strive not only to protect victims from abuse, to provide women with social, psychological and legal assistance, but also to give them the opportunity to acquire a new profession in order to become economically independent and self-confident, because financial stability is an important component of the quality of life.
The social enterprise "Free thread" specializes in the production of embroidery based on ancient ornaments.
"Free thread" for free people!
Under this slogan, a unique embroidered shirt was recently created for Ukrainian volunteer and paramedic Yulia Paevska "Tayra", who was recently baptized by Serhii Dmytriev

"We felt that we were making not just an embroidered shirt, but something extremely valuable and symbolic" / Photo: Eleos-Ukraine
How can we help the mission continue to support?
To help victims of Russian aggression, use the Donate on the "Eleos-Ukraine" website
"Eleos-Ukraine" (account in hryvnias)
EDRPOU 39374709
R/y UA 97 325365 000000 2600501675798 in PJSC "KREDOBANK"
MFO 325365
You can also send a donation to the mono bank card of the head of the organization Serhii Dmitriev 4441111404440889