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Win up to 2,500 euros for a project in the field of ecology

If you aim to get young people interested in environmental and sustainable energy projects, this grant competition is just for you.

The Development Center "Time of Change" informs about this grant opportunity.

"EcoFuture: Competition of youth projects for the European Green Course" is organized by the Women's Energy Club of Ukraine together with DiXi Group.

Apply for projects in the field of economics and sustainable development / Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Who is this competition for?

Young people aged 18 to 25 can participate.

What is the purpose?

The purpose of the competition is to stimulate the interest of young people in the implementation of ecological and sustainable energy projects.

Also, participants should strive to encourage young people to know more about the development of the ecological future, about ecology and a sustainable lifestyle in general.


The following grants are provided for participants:

  • one grant of 2,500 euros;

  • two grants of 1,500 euros;

  • three grants of 500 euros.

How to participate

Deadline for submission to the competition: September 1, 2024. You can submit an application using the link. Details about the competition can be found here.



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